Want to become a member of Southwest Paleontological Society?
There is no age* or qualifications necessary to join! Just a desire to learn and be apart of the Paleo Society! Membership is $25.00 for families or $20.00 for individuals for a whole year! A year subscription is from January 1st to December 31st.
Core Membership includes activities such as:
· “Family Friendly” outings to learn about local geology and paleontology.
· SPS newsletter (via email distribution)
· Monthly meetings with speakers
· Educational programs
· Specialized training
Over time, based upon advocation by other “tentured” SPS members, your membership makes you eligible for:
– Election to SPS Board of Directors
– Invitations to Paleontological digs of a scientific nature
*NOTE – All minors must be accompanied by an adult to all SPS activites
** NOTE – Membership is a privilege, not a right! At any time, if a member is not following the ethics, membership, and safety guidelines for SPS, or creates a hostile environment for any other member, your membership monies for that year will be returned and you will be asked to leave SPS. We run a very safe, supportive, and inclusive environment and will not tolerate any given single member putting those principles at risk.
Why else should you join SPS? Not only do you get up close and personal with real fossils, you also get volunteer hours, and hands on training from professional paleontologists! This is a perfect after school program that gives back to your community!
You can download a membership form available in Word Document, or PDF (you must have Adobe Acrobat to view and print PDF files). Then you can bring your form and payment on your first meeting (meets first Tuesday of every month at the Arizona Museum of Natural History Research Facility) OR you can mail your annual due to:
Arizona Museum of Natural History
Southwest Paleontology Society
53 North Macdonald Street
Mesa, AZ 85201-7325
IF YOU WANT TO PAY ONLINE here are two methods for doing so:
- SPS-general-donations-payments
https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLSPZWDQSR9WT/checkout/NZDAQU2XYKRRPB4PLOQFLU36?src=qr - Square $20 individual membership URL:
If you use the methods above for payment, please still fill out one of the forms below, and bring it or email to “membership@swpaleosociety.com” to let us know you’ve become a member in good standing!
We look forward to seeing you in the near future!
Have questions or concerns? Feel free to contact us!

Membership Form (PDF Form)
Membership Form (Word Document)