What is Southwest Paleontological Society?
Southwest Paleontological Society (SPS) is a volunteer organization affiliated with the Arizona Museum of Natural History. The purpose of SPS is to further the study of paleontology and geology of the southwestern United States, with emphasis on the state of Arizona. SPS strives to maintain the highest standards of conduct and proficiency in all its activities, whether in the field or in the laboratory. Informative meetings, often featuring recognized authorities in their field, along with hands-on field and lab programs are provided. SPS members and their families have a rare opportunity to have a lot of fun, while contributing to scientific research and enhancing their knowledge about the Earth’s history for the last 4.5 billion years.
Who we are…..
The Southwest Paleontological Society (SPS) consists of an active group of people who enjoy learning about or teaching the science of paleontology. We operate under federal and state permits as trained citizen scientists, following the strict direction and guidance of the principle investigators named on said permit. Doing so we help collect valuable fossils and appropriate contextual documentation to support ongoing paleontological research, all while enjoying adventures and beauty in the natural world.
SPS is led by experienced paleontologists who guide its members in the skill and knowledge required in the process of collecting and preparing delicate fossil specimens. SPS supports the programs and the goals of the Arizona Museum of Natural History.
SPS is open to all adults and children with an interest in paleontology.
>>Learn about our membership here!<<
In the field and laboratory minors must be accompanied by an adult
Where do we meet….
SPS meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Arizona Museum of Natural History Research Facility across from the Museum on the N.W. corner of Pepper and Macdonald.
Field Trips…
Are held periodically throughout the year. Field trips range from one day family outings to several days. Members will be notified in advance.
The experience and the thrill of discovering the bones of a long extinct animal-possibly the first such bones ever found!!!
Experience hands-on preparation of fragile fossil specimens for museum exhibits and collections..
Recent projects include the Columbian Mammoth(Gilbert), Rhynchotherium, Glyptotherium, other mammals, invertebrates
and much more.
All you need is interest-not a degree!
It’s a GREAT PLACE to meet “OLD” friends!